International shipping is handled by Air International,Ems Experss Company from China,within 1 week time delivery usually.But we must admit the fact that the delivery time is restricted by the region.From China to major destinations like US,Europe and Australia,the fastest delivery time is only 3 to 5 business days,but to some farther countries,it will take a longer time.But do not worry,we will use all reasonable efforts to deliver your products to you within the estimated delivery time indicated on your order confirmation.But we can not guarantee that we can really deliver within this time frame. All orders will be insured for the full purchase amount,and can be tracked with your tracking number offered by us on the EMS website. All international shipments are shipped via EMS express mainly in retailing,while for wholesaling,please contact us at once,we will arrange the suitable shipment delivery way.That is why you can enjoy free shipping and great discount offering here off retailing.Save more money and enjoy real brand new quality. We are a professional online dealer and have a long term cooperation with EMS Express,We all try our best to ship and deliver your orders to your door on time as far as possible.Please make sure you are at home when the packages will be arraved. All the packages will be mailed inside another box. Here you can choose the way you like to deliver your packages,also you can give the option to us,we promise we will choose the most suitable method: EMS [5-8 days] DHL [3-5 days] FedEx [3-5 days] After we send the package out, we will release the tracking number online soon. Please check it in My account>> My orders >> order details - shipping info Package could be tracking 1-2 days later after we sent the package out. EMS online tracking: Tracking page in China after the package left China, you can track it by the tracking service your post office offered as below(partial).